After finishing a landscape while taking an art class years back, I asked my teacher, \"What do you think I should paint next?\" He reflected for a while and said: ?The important question is not ?what to paint?, but ?why to paint?. If you have a good answer to the second question, you will have no problem in answering the first: It won?t matter?. That left me thinking? ever since.
My current, simple answer to the ?why? question is: Because I enjoy it. And, yes, I find subjects to paint without dificulty.
I love landscape, understood in a broad sense: I paint rural scenes of Castilla, my homeland; but also urban views of these and other latitudes, seascapes, and sometimes people integrated in the above or by themselves .
I feel great respect for reality and, against common advice, I rarely choose to straighten up a crooked telephone pole, or to suppress cables running across a façade, or other seemingly superfluous details. I tend to think that if they are there, it is for a reason, and I have found that, more often than not, they help, rather than spoil, the composition. In this sense my work can perhaps be called ?realistic?. My technique, at present, is oil.
2003 - 2010: Annual Group exhibitions in the MIRA Cultural Space, Pozuelo de Alarcón
2007: Group exhibition under the theme \"Metonymy\" in the House of Culture of the City of Pozuelo deAlarcón
2010: Individual exhibition at the village of Campillo de Ranas, Guadalajara, Spain, with the theme \"Black Villages: Landscapes of Slate\"
2010: Group exhibition at Bankinter Workcenter in Tres Cantos, Madrid
2012: Exhibition shared with Socorro Vara de Rey at \"Juan de Mairena\" gallery in Tapia de Casariego, Asturias
2014: Individual exhibition of 34 oil paintings,at the Volturno gallery in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid